The story of Percy “Perseverance” the Catahoula is a wonderful one of hope and inspiration. Percy was found behind a restaurant in eastern Michigan, starving, emaciated, and suffering from seizures. A wonderful woman named Mary took him into the vet and spent so much of her own money getting tests done and stabilzing him. She reached out to the rescue community, and Remember Me Ranch stepped in. The dog (later named as Percy) was suffering so badly from seizures that the vet recommended he be put to sleep. We made a decision to give him one more day…and guess what? He was better the next day! We were so excited for him, and so thankful that we had done it that we named him “Percy” for the perseverance to get through that one night. Percy came to Wisconsin with the help of his friend Mary and Doug, who drove more than six hours to get him to safety. The vet thinks that Percy may have Encephalitis (which is caused by ticks – frontline everyone!) and it’s now causing neurological issues and seizures. But good news! There’s a cure for this, and we can save him. Percy needed lots of hospitalization, stabilization and a spinal tap. Aside from this, Percy also needed Heartworm treatment. After all of that, he made it through and with an awesome attitude. Percy was adopted and went to a very loving home.
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